A moldavite contains about 1% bubbles. South Bohemia has more bubbles per gram than Moravian moldavites. However, our site moldavites contain visible bubbles. Between a hundredth and a few centimetres, the bubble size ranges between a hundredth and a few thousandths of milimetres.
The walls of the bubbles have smooth walls. A bubble can be either spherical (or lens-like) or oblong. Sometimes bubbles can be long enough to form channels.
Bubbles are either diffused or can be found in groups or along lines. Fluidality refers to the direction of flow of tectile melting at high viscosity.
Bubbles can have very low pressure (almost vacuum).
Bubbles: Where did they come from?
Most bubbles are caused by residual gases in the parent material. They can also result from internal tension that occurs during hardening of moldavite.
Bubbles open to all
There are open bubbles that can measure up to several centimeters across the surface of some moldavites. These bubbles can be opened partially by etching moldavite on the surface or completely. These were formed by moldavite cracking, whether by internal tension, hile transporeted or by falling. Some bubbles are partially filled by sediment or, rarer, ferruginous iron sandstone.