Let’s explore storage without sounding like you’re looking for a new planet or space get the facts. Although we’re discussing storage, I promise that it can also be very cool.
Imagine what your home looks like right now. You’re probably like me and have stuff scattered all over the place. What’s the backstory behind these items, if you are like me? You still have all the Christmas gifts from last year in their original boxes. The closet looks a mess. And we haven’t begun to discuss the last Christmas gift boxes. Here mini storage units become the hero we never even knew we were in need of.
The process of choosing a small-sized storage unit is not difficult. You should still consider some factors. Renting a huge unit isn’t necessary if your only goal is to have a small room. Maybe you’ve thought about climate control. Did you? It is important to avoid humidity when storing comics or old photos that belonged to your grandmother.
Security is another important concern. You need it there for when you come back. Find places where you can get good security and cameras – similar to Fort Knox, except without the gold.
Location is equally important. While you might think saving money by moving out to the country is a good thing, it may not be so when you find yourself having to drive one hour each time that you need camping gear or decor. Spending money more than necessary to save both time and fuel? Priceless.
Your unit can now be used in a creative way. Who says they can only be used to store things? I’ve heard of people using theirs as art studios, mini gyms, or even for storage. The neighbors probably love it when they use theirs as a band practice area. In order to get the most out of your available space, it is important to think outside or inside the box.
You don’t wish to make your storage a black hole where all the unwanted stuff goes to die. You should take an inventory on a regular basis. Do I need 3 fondue kits? It’s unlikely. Keep everything in order, so you can enjoy your possessions.
Let’s have a discussion about money. Renting this bad boy may seem to be a cost you’ll have to pay. It’s not as bad as tripping everyday over clutter. Or renting a large place to get more closet space. If you do it right, this makes good financial sense.
It’s my last piece of wisdom that holding onto things doesn’t mean you have to carry them around with you constantly. When we give away their little home, it’s easier to breathe.
They aren’t just glorified storage spaces, but they’re little lifesavers. The make space for living and hide our valuables. If they were magically organised… a girl could only dream!
How can I build an eco-friendly house? This is not just a positive vibe. It is a smart way to live. Don’t want to hug a minimum of two trees? This does not happen in a day. Eco-friendly buildings are also not created overnight. The building of a sustainable energy-efficient home is possible with a lot of patience, creativity humor. Cheers!